Category Archives: Uncategorized

Students learn to design posters as an Art activity

Students learn to design posters as an Art activity. With a multimedia approach the students have shared their creativity and ideas on paper to emphasise the significance of the topic given: “Risks and Challenges Faced by the Children in this World”.    Children worldwide face a variety of challenges and risks. During the course of […]

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On Campus Workshop under experts from IBO on ‘Making PYP Happen’.

The 3 day workshop on ‘Making PYP Happen’ under the guidance of Ms. Seetha Murthy and  Ms. Geraldine De Fazio both experts from IBO, began today.         The teachers were engaged with exploring salient features of Primary Years Programme (PYP) through a variety of activities.

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Diwali and Children’s Day Celebration

Close on the heels of Sports Day in Candor International School, we decided to bask in the festivities that had just begun! Rejuvenated after a week long Diwali break, yesterday on 18 th November the students and teachers came together to have a joint celebration for Diwali and Children’s Day. Candorians turned out in Indian […]

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TRIP TO KERALA ON DIWALI HOLIDAYS: November 10 to November 12, 2015

    We headed off to Kerala with a great big smile and warm hearts on a cold Bangalore morning . All of our tiny enthusiastic hearts were enough to keep the cold away. Our dorm parent made us delicious sandwiches and baked apple cake to start up our day. I must say we had […]

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Candor International School is Ranked number 1 under the Parameter of ‘Infrastructure Provision & Leadership Management Quality’.

We are proud and pleased to inform you that ‘Candor International School’ is Ranked No. 5 in the category ‘International Schools’ (India’s Top 10 International Schools) in a survey conducted by It has been Ranked No.3 International School in Bangalore and also been Ranked No.1 under the Parameter of ‘Infrastructure Provision & Leadership Management […]

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Celebration “Dia de los muertos” (Day of the Dead) at Candor International School

Day of the Dead is a 3000 year old tradition.. it’s believed the souls of those who have passed to the underworld can come back to visit. It’s mainly associated with Mexico, but is celebrated throughout Latin America where families come together to welcome their loved ones with their favourite food, drinks, candles, flowers and […]

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Celebration “Dia de los muertos” (Day of the Dead) at Candor International School

The celebration of “Dia de los muertos” (Day of the Dead) today outside the Spanish room. This is an exhibition of the Mexican tradition of honoring the departed souls. It is an excellent opportunity for the students and the teachers to know about this important Mexican tradition in the spirit of ‘Intercultural Understanding’ according to […]

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NDTV Workshop at Candor International School Lights, Camera, Action……..!

NDTV Workshop Lights, Camera, Action……..! At Candor,providing avenues for our students to explore, learn and grow has always been our focal point . It is indeed a privilege for us to have NDTV experts conduct a film-making workshop for our students going on now for 3 days 26th , 27th and 28th october 2015 in […]

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Candor International School Newsletter 2015 Meraki Issue 2

This month, we present the second issue of ‘Meraki’, striving to keep in mind our core theme and ideas. The Newsletter Committee has closely collaborated this time to work within our deadlines and maintain the quality of our work. On a closely related note, we are happy to welcome a new member into our fold, […]

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Grade 3 ,4 and 5 are introduced to Quilling during their Art Classes in Candor International School

Quilling or paper filigree is an Art form that involves the use of strips of paper that are rolled, shaped, and glued together to create decorative designs. The paper is rolled, looped, curled, twisted and otherwise manipulated to create shapes which make up designs to decorate greetings cards, pictures, boxes and many more. Today, quilling […]

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