Philosophy and Vision


At Candor, one of the best International Schools in Bangalore, India, we are dedicated to our Mission statement- Preparing for Life. We are a community of dedicated and spirited learners and we believe that every child can be nurtured to develop into a knowledgeable, caring, confident and responsible global citizen.


Candor International School aspires to nurture young adults who will be catalysts for positive change both nationally and internationally, ensuring the protection of the environment, and the preservation of ethical and moral values in an age of constant social, political, economic, technological and environmental change. The vision will be articulated through the core values of:
  Love of learning through life long enquiry

  Respect for diversity of people, faith, culture and ideas

  Concern for community at all levels

  Integrity of thought, speech and action

  Openness to adopting the best models

 Transparency of standards and practices


Candor International School aims to nurture lifelong learners, who, through respect and intercultural understanding, technology, creativity, collaboration and an active engagement in community service, become citizens of the world to contribute, and make a difference, to their generation.

The Meaning of Candor

The name and the logo of the school were chosen very carefully by the founders. The name ‘Candor’ is derived from the Latin word ‘candere’, which means ‘to shine’. It stands for openness, impartiality, frankness, honesty, integrity and purity. We believe in ‘candor’ and aim to infuse this quality into our students and into everything we stand for.

The Candor logo embodies the essence of who we are and why we exist.

   The three dots on inverted arches represent human forms with outstretched arms and symbolize the power of team endeavour
   The wings represent the potential for our dreams to soar into reality
   The flame symbolizes our combined energy towards realizing our aspirations
   The shield represents our will to preserve our values and environmental heritage in the face of change
   Burgundy, the colour of our logo, stands for vigour, elegance, richness, refinement, leadership and maturity