Watching an Iranian film ‘Children of Heaven’ by Majid Majidi as a Film Appreciation Club activity

Watching an Iranian film ‘Children of Heaven’ by Majid Majidi as a Film Appreciation Club activity
– By Aarshita Nath (Grade – 11)

The film the “Children of Heaven” was screened as we inaugurated the Film Appreciation Club at Candor on
Saturday, September 05, 2015.

The movie was about a poor family and how the siblings, Ali the brother and Zahra the sister, loved and cared for each other. The brother lost his younger sister’s school shoes while getting it back from the cobbler. Since they were poor, that was the only pair of shoes she had.

The whole movie was about how they swapped shoes after school. Ali trying to win a 4 km cross country run to win the third prize, which was a pair of new sneakers. He planned to give it to Zahra.
Through the various scenes I observed different shooting and editing techniques; jump cut and fade in and out and other transitions when changing scenes. Long shot for taking little girl Zahra running in a small lane towards her bother. They’ve focused on shoes as close up shots a lot in this movie as well as on the foot and running This movie was in some ways similar to other movies that I’ve watch about the same topic.

However I do not understand the significance of the last part when Ali came back from the competition in the ending scene and dipped his feet into the pond and the fish came to kiss his feet.