Sports Day 2012

This was Candor’s second Sports Meet and we were honored by the presence of Mr. Gul Mohamed Akbar, our Chief Guest, and the “Marathon Man of Bangalore”.. He gave an inspiring message about the importance of a sound body so that the mind can function well. His words on taking care of oneself will be never forgotten.

It was enjoyable to watch the competition between the houses; but more wonderful to see how the message of playing fair to excel rather than beat your opponent was displayed. It was very evident that every student participated with enthusiasm no matter the outcome.

Parents and guests took time off from their busy schedules to enjoy Candor’s Sports Day and cheer their children and friends.

The whole Candor community participated with great fervour and excitement. Parents and teachers also were enthusiastic and enjoyed every moment. Middle School students participated in the more conventional Track and Field events while the Primary students had more fun competitions. The Tug-of-War between houses, as well as between staff and parents, and the races for the Support staff were thoroughly enjoyed by both participants and spectators.