Connecting home and school makes a great community of LEADERS. It is that time of the quarter where all our parents meet our teachers to understand the children’s achievements and encourage them to do more. Yes, we did have our 3rd PTM today. It was an extremely busy and eventful day. Our Candorians are so talented, that our school was filled with their quarter’s work to show it all off to their parents! Our PYP students put up a brilliant and colourful Art Exhibition. There was a little area to display their learning on robotics. Our middle and high school students exhibited and demonstrated their products that they made as part of the Maker’s Fair. This was an initiative taken by our dear SCA members, to promote innovation and creativity. Bags made with old t-shirts, a bug ride, etc, were all part of this fair. Our weekend and after school sports partner, Gameday Arts was here too. The football coach was more than happy to teach them some basics about the game.