Mr. Joshua on World Environment Day

We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children. 

~Native American Proverb.

World Environment Day (WED), instituted by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), is celebrated every year on the  5th  of June to raise global awareness of the need to take positive environmental action.
As we had already planted 120 saplings on Earth day, Candor decided to have someone who is an underwater photographer present to us the dangers that our Oceans are facing because of the careless practices of human beings. We were treated to an amazing visual feast of pictures that Mr. Joshua Barton, had taken of both tiny underwater creatures like the sea anemone and of large underwater creatures like the giant squid and species of whale. We also saw the difference between healthy underwater life and polluted underwater environments and it was sad. Both staff and students responded with many very thoughtful questions and comments.