Grades 1 and 2 visited Sri Acharya Rakum School for Blind

The students of Grades 1 and 2 visited Sri Acharya Rakum School for Blind on the 27th May 2013.The students visited the school as part of their Community Service. They conducted a collection drive before the visit by collecting old newspapers, toys, clothes and household items for donating to Rakum. Rakum is a School for the visually challenged and offers courses from Grade 1 to post-graduation. Children from families living below the poverty line attend Rakum to acquire reading and writing skills as well as vocational skills. Rakum has its own Braille Printing Press which they print materials needed for the School. There are 120 students who attend school at Rakum.
Our students were full of curiosity and had a lot of questions to ask. Besides the collection drive undertaken by the students, the Candor International School donated a meal for the students out of the Fund Raising Carnival that was held in December 2012.
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