Founders Day (August 24,2012)

On August 24, 2012, Candor celebrated its First Founders Day. The entire Candor family worked towards this day with anticipation and fervor. Rehearsals began from the second week of school when after a day of shortened classes different performance groups worked on their presentations. The students prepared to showcase their talents in music, dance, and drama. For the drama, the students presented scenes from a musical “Uncle Crumble’s Mad Machine” a play they had been working on in their drama classes.. Dances ranged from the Opening dance which was in Bharatnatyam classical style to Flamenco, a traditional Spanish dance by students of Spanish, to a lively Bollywood item where a few of the Candor faculty and staff joined on stage. The school band rocked the stage with their rendition of ” Had a Bad Day”. There were a number of solo and duet performances on different instruments that the students have been learning like Piano, Flute, Recorders and Tuba. The PYP kids weren’t left out they sang. We are the World by Michael Jackson and even played the recorder. The little ones set the stage on fire, with their fashion show using recycled materials. It was a memorable evening that ended with a grand dinner.
