Early Years Curriculum (EY)

A unique Curriculum

Early Years Curriculum (EY) bangalore

Age Criteria

The Early Years at Candor is designed for children between the ages of 3 to 6. We aim to provide our learners with the opportunity to develop self-awareness, various skills, and grow to be lifelong learners and caring citizens. At Candor, the Early Years consists of Pre-Kindergarten (Pre-K), Junior Kindergarten (K-1), and Senior Kindergarten (K-2).

The IBPYP programme is an exceptionally progressive, transdisciplinary framework that focuses on developing and nurturing early learners who are natural inquirers and learn through playful interactions with people and their environment. The unique approach that we follow is to kindle the curiosity of the early learners which allows them to question, wonder and theorize about the world around them. The homeroom teachers along with the specialist teachers support the children in building their ideas and understandings and honouring their theories in a conceptually driven, play-based environment.

Teaching and Learning at Candor

Smooth Transition

The environment at Candor is exciting, fun-filled, joyful, purposeful, and engaging to help each child be a successful learner while meeting various learning milestones. The Early Years programme places a powerful emphasis on play-based inquiry learning. At Candor, we leverage the standards and practices of the IB-PYP which focuses on the seven pillars,

● Personal, Social and Emotional Development
● Communication, Language and Literacy Development
● Mathematical Development
● Understanding and Knowledge of the world
● Physical (Fine and Gross Motor) Development
● Creative and Cognitive Development and
● International-mindedness

These pillars form a foundation for the subject areas in grades 1 and above. Learning involves various strategies through whole group instruction, small group learning, as well as independent activities. These methods not only allow the children to learn about being a part of a class community but also to explore their learning style through a structured environment. Our motto is to prepare children for life by placing learning in a meaningful context through play.

Primary School electronic city bangalore

Transdisciplinary Learning:

Pre-K: Literacy, Numeracy, Unit of Inquiry, Fine Motor Skills Development, Visual Arts, Dance, Music, and P.E
K1: Literacy, Numeracy, Unit of Inquiry, Visual Arts, Dance, Music, P.E, and Swimming
K2: Literacy, Numeracy, Unit of Inquiry, Visual Arts, Dance, Music, P.E., Swimming, Robotics (Lego  Building), ICT, and Karate.

Why choose EY at Candor?

Children are curious and capable learners with a sense of agency, rich in potential, bringing valid skills, preferences and understandings of learning. We at Candor foster play-based learning in varied inviting, engaging and stimulating learning spaces for our early learners to develop various approaches to learning skills.

Play-based Learning:

Play is the prime focus of our pedagogical approach at Candor. Our practice is informed by research that supports the belief that young children learn through play, within a school context, where they have a sense of agency. Through play, children actively create meaning from their interactions with people and their environments.

Why play?

The key characteristics of play are,

1. Play is meaningful – children play to make sense of the world around them and to find meaning in an experience by connecting it to something already known. Through play, children express and understand their understanding of their experiences.
2. Play is joyful – of course, play may have its frustrations and challenges, but the overall feeling is one of enjoyment, motivation, thrill and pleasure.
3. Play is actively engaging – watch children playing, and you will usually see that they become deeply involved, often coming to a physical, mental and verbal engagement.
4. Play is iterative – play is not static. Children play to practice skills, try out possibilities, revising hypotheses and discover new challenges, leading to deeper learning.
5. Play is socially interactive – play allows children to communicate ideas, to understand others through social interaction, paving the way to build deeper understanding and more powerful relationships.

Through play-based learning, children develop and nurture fundamental knowledge and skills.

Approaches to Learning Skills:

Learning at Candor is also based on ‘approaches to learning skills (ATLs). These skills aim to support children of all ages to become learners who know how to ask good questions, set effective goals and pursue their aspirations with the determination to achieve them.
Early Years Curriculum Bangalore

Learning Spaces:

At Candor, we create safe and inviting learning spaces that promote exploration, risk-taking and learning through play. These spaces actively engage children in discovering, wondering and questioning. Learning spaces are being carefully designed and planned in such a way that has the potential to promote inquiry. The spaces are co-created collaboratively with the children, wherever possible and appropriate. Our learning spaces reflect our conviction that aesthetically engaging, carefully planned and thoughtful environments significantly enhance the quality of the learning experiences.

The Learner, IBPYP-ibo.org
UNICEF and The Lego Foundation, 2018