Category Archives: Uncategorized

Republic Day 2018!!!

The 69th Republic Day Celebrations at Candor began with the National Song. This was followed by the hoisting of the National Flag and the National Anthem. Prompon, a Candorian read about the significance of the Republic Day. Next, our Principal, Mr Ghosh addressed the gathering and introduced the Chief Guest, Mr Shanker Dutt Bhatt, an […]

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Grade 6 Students – Field Trip to Agastya Foundation, Kuppam

Our grade 6 students are currently on their educational field trip at Agastya Foundation, Kuppam. The foundation houses science and art centers including an astronomy center and planetarium, center for creative teaching, an innovation hub, a science model-making center and open-air ecology lab.. Our students are having a lot of fun learning. We shall share […]

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K2 B Dance Session!!!

Dancing sets the mind free. Dancing is poetry in motion. Our K2 B students let loose and enjoy their dance class.

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FLL ( First Lego League) @ Candor!!!

As you all know by now, our students enjoy their robotics classes. They imagine, build and create during their sessions. It’s basically learning while playing. For the first time, Candor will be hosting the First LEGO League (FLL). Students across the state will be participating. Do watch this space for photos and videos about the […]

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Physical literacy is all about confidence and competence!!

Physical literacy is all about confidence and competence. It’s about preparing students to adapt to a variety of environments. Our students definitely enjoy their PE classes where they learn various exercises and games, but they also have fun during their theory classes such as this!  

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Grade 1 Students enjoying their Art Class!!!

“Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.” Our Grade 1 students always enjoy their art sessions. Here are a few pictures of today’s art session where our little artists are expressing their imagination using colour pencils.

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Grade 3 Students Swimming Session!!!

“If you think sport is hard, try doing it while holding your breath.” Our grade 3 students throw themselves into water to learn about the skills involved in swimming.

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Grade 5 Students Dance Practice Session!!!

“Everybody can dance, its the drive and passion that makes you a dancer.” We help our students who are passionate about dance to become great dancers. Here are a few pictures of our Grade 5 students showing off their dance moves.

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Watercolour painting Session!!!

“Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.” Here is a snapshot of our students enjoying their watercolour painting during their Art session.

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Staff Appreciation Day

Continuation of the Staff Appreciation Day. Here is a snapshot of the activities conducted for our teaching, admin and support staff by our SCA parents.

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