Category Archives: Uncategorized

Grade 2 children had a race called “Getting ready for school”

Sports aren’t always meant to be overtly serious or athletically intricate! In Candor, we challenge ourselves to come up with innovative ideas and involve PYP children in fun-filled activities.  Today, Grade 2 children had a race called “Getting ready for school”. If this isn’t out-of-the-box, what is???? The pictures below speak volumes, don’t they?!

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Students performing during Club hours

“Teach a child a song, and the song will teach the child” Students had the time of their lives today, as they dabbled their hands on various musical instruments, singing along without inhibitions. It was so captivating  that no one could really keep a track on time! And what’s more, there was a little audience […]

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PYP Students practicing for our Annual Sports Day

Our Students make us Happy! Our Students bring smiles to our faces! Yet again, it was a delight to watch our K1 Students practice their frog jumps for the upcoming Annual Sports Day !  

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Grade 6 Students had a robotic session today in which they learnt about the Mag Boat

A neodymium magnet is  the most widely used magnet. They have replaced other types of magnets in the many applications in modern products that require strong permanent magnets. Grade 6 Students had a robotic session today in which they learnt about the Mag Boat using NeoDymium Magnets . Students made magnetic powered boat which moves with the help […]

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InterHouse BasketBall Match – Boys

This time… it is an interhouse Basket Ball match! Yellow Vs Red. A brilliantly played game by both the houses. The Audience were completely engrossed into the fully tense match. The Yellow Team won the match.  

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Inter House Football Match

It’s a very very happy coincidence that while football is in the air in our country right now, Candor too had its Inter House Football match between Blue House and Green House. Watching a football match is a always a thrilling, adrenalin rushing experience.  We noticed some  neat touches,some intelligent positioning  and very impressive  speed. Blue […]

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Prof. Sumantra Chattarji, an eminent scientist, visited Candor today!!!

Prof. Sumantra Chattarji, an eminent scientist, visited Candor today and addressed the students and staff about study of the Human Brain. The specific title of his talk was ‘Learning About Learning….from the Brain’. He is the Professor of Neurobiology, National Centre for Biological Sciences, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research and the Director, Center for Brain Development and […]

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K2 Students Dance Session

Never miss a chance to dance! It feels like magic! Our Candorians are always enthusiastic about dancing. Today, our K2 students enjoyed their dance class today. It helped them relax and also learnt about the basics of body movement.

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Grade 3 Students learnt about the connection between the UOI chapter on ‘How to Organize Ourselves’ and Physical Education

Every subject, be it science, math, English, Physical Education, Robotics etc.. are all interconnected. Similarly, our grade 3 students learnt about the connection between the UOI chapter on ‘How to Organize Ourselves’ and Physical Education. This exercise was conducted to help students understand that organization is extremely important in the field of Sports too. A […]

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