Candor VS Treamis Friendly Soccer Match

On the 5th of October, a friendly soccer match was played between Candor International DSC08365School and Treamis World School at Treamis International School. As this was the first played by the Candor students outside the school, they were a bit nervous and had to adapt themselves to a different soccer field. The start of the match was dominated by the Treamis players. Candor students were able to match the oponents. Candor almost took a lead in the first half of the game with a powerful shot by Ivan but was well blocked by the Treamis goalkeeper. In the second half we had some good spells and managed to string together a few passes to get our game going. We got another opportunity to score but Manan hit the Goal Post. Our defenders also did exceptionally well against the Treamis players, effectively closing them down and limiting their shooting chances. Treamis players also showed a lot of determination to score and were finally awarded with a goal. The match ended with a final score of 1-0 in favour of Treamis World School. The determination and fighting spirit showed by our players was tremendous and something we can always be proud of.


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