Candor International School Student Council – February Flyer

Greetings from student council!

We hope this mail reaches you in good health and all of you are safe. The board exams are approaching soon and we sincerely hope you’re taking care of yourselves during this stressful time. In this month’s flyer, you will find ways in which you can relax and manage stress as well as an upcoming event about the same! We truly hope you enjoy it.

Please find the third issue of the school’s monthly flyer attached below.


If you have any queries or feedback, you may reach us using the student council ([email protected]) or any council member’s email-ID. We enjoy interacting with you and would love to hear about any self care activities you’ve adopted!

Lastly, if you’d like regular updates from the council, don’t forget to follow us on Instagram! Our handle is @candor_student_council_2020.


Red House Captain

Student Council

Candor International School