Candor International School Joins the Council of International Schools (CIS)

We are now a Member of CIS!

We are delighted to announce that Candor International School is now officially a member of the Council of International Schools (CIS). Following a comprehensive interview and evaluation process on April 30th, we have met the stringent criteria required for CIS membership. The CIS is a globally recognized leader in school evaluation and accreditation, known for its rigorous international standards. Our successful application demonstrates our unwavering commitment to the mission, vision, and core values that define Candor International School. These values emphasize the well-being of our community, the delivery of high-quality teaching and learning, and the development of global citizens.

Our mission at Candor International School is to equip students with the knowledge, skills, and abilities to thrive as global citizens. This mission aligns perfectly with the CIS’s core criterion for membership, which focuses on high-quality education and sustainable school improvement. Additionally, our school culture aligns with the CIS Code of Ethics and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

The membership process involved submitting essential documents and participating in an in-depth interview with a CIS representative. During this interview, various school departments discussed our management, direction, and strategic initiatives, all of which are deeply rooted in our mission and core values. The representative also engaged with a group of students to gain insights into their learning experiences and gather feedback for further enhancing our school community.

Achieving CIS membership is a significant milestone that reaffirms our commitment to providing an international standard of quality education. Moving forward, we will continue our journey of continuous improvement by seeking CIS accreditation status.

We are proud of this achievement and excited about the opportunities it brings to further enhance the educational experience at Candor International School.

Thank you to everyone in our school community for your dedication and support in reaching this important milestone.