Candor Christmas 2012

December 15, 2012 marked a wonderful closure to a very busy semester for Candor International School. The day began with a parent teacher interaction. This was followed by a short performance by the Kindergarten children and a Christmas play called “The Christmas Guest” by the Drama students of Grade 6-10. The actors mimed to the narration of six readers and it was quite a moving performance based on a short story by Leo Tolstoy which tells of how a widower waited to see God only to realize that God had come to him in the form of a beggar an old woman and a lost child. The Music students then sang a quartet, and a duet of Christmas songs followed by a vocal performance of “Gloria” by the Band. The grand finale to the morning was the Christmas Carnival with teachers and students running games and food stalls. It was a great time of fun and enjoyment for everyone and the proceeds from the Carnival will be used for the Old People’s Home and Orphanage. It was a very good end to the year 2012.