Candor International School was hugely privileged to welcome two very senior and highly experienced personnel from Apple, Mr. Duncan Kemp and Mr. Gilbert Ho.
Duncan Kemp – Education Business Development – India, Mediterranean, Middle East and Africa (based in London) Part of the Central IMMEA Team, Duncan has been leading the Education market development of Apple in Central Europe, Middle East and Africa for over 10 years. He has been involved in developing strategic initiatives in the Education and works with customer and partners around the world to develop Innovative and lasting Education Solutions.
Gilbert Ho – Asia Lead, Worldwide Education Strategic Initiatives Group (based in Hong Kong)
With Apple for over 8 years, Gilbert has been involved in strategic marketing and business development in the education segment across Asia, the Middle East, and Latin America.
He has been involved in developing strategic initiatives in the K20 Education segment and works closely with Ministries of Education and Universities/School groups across Asia.
The Chairman Mr. Suresh Reddy, Principal Mr. Samik Ghosh and Dean of Administration Mr. Sridhar C had an hour long meeting with them and exchanged views on integration of technology in school education with special reference to Apple’s contribution to this field.
We were privileged to have them share their knowledge, experiences and their vision with us.