PYP Students Celebrate Halloween

The spookiest day of the year in Candor was seen through our PYP students celebrating Halloween! They embarked on a thrilling adventure from dressing up in different costumes to painting their faces. Classrooms were decorated and yes not to forget the ‘Trick or Treat’ from door to door! The students of Grade 4 presented a short brilliant play during the assembly called ‘The Cubs Scouts and the Haunted House’ followed by an Acrostic poem on Halloween. It was indeed a fun filled day for both our PYP students and teachers.DSC08766 DSC08772 DSC08775 DSC08778 DSC08782 DSC08784 DSC08792 DSC08796 DSC08800 DSC08803 DSC08808 DSC08811 DSC08813 DSC08820