Candor being the first green school by certification and by practice, take utmost care in grooming the children to uphold the values. We follow the vision of great philosophers and educationalists like Rudolf Steiner and Maria Montessori in integrating education with nature. Children from K1 to grade 5 are encouraged to learn more about gardening and organic farming through various interesting and informative sessions like power point presentations, running dictations, riddles and flash cards to name a few. They are indulged in practical activities to learn different advanced techniques of organic farming and gardening. Such physical activities have immense effect on a child’s health, mental acumen and academic skills.

Our goal behind the garden based education is to open the children’s mind to their natural existence, develop their sense of responsibility and of self-dependence, train them to respect the resources of the earth, teach them the obligations of citizenship, interest them sympathetically in occupation, touch their relation to human life in general, and touch their imagination with the spiritual forces of the world. This approach would inculcate an environmental awareness and in the process, make learning enjoyable at school.