‘Empowering Self: Social Media and Responsible Decision Making’

In light of the recent triggers in the media that have resulted in concerns about the safety and emotional well-being of children, the Department of Mental Health and Behavioural Sciences, under the aegis of Dr. Samir Parikh, Director, initiates student workshops on ‘Empowering Self: Social Media and Responsible Decision Making’, with the objective of generating awareness on the issue as well as encouraging students to reach out for support.
In today’s time, the impact that media messages can have on shaping opinions and attitudes of young impressionable minds is unavoidable. It is our endeavour to impart students with the skills to critically evaluate the accuracy of the portrayal of sensitive subjects and to reach out for help in timely manner.
To this end, our interactive session on Empowering Self: Social Media and Responsible Decision Making will focus on:
Understanding the impact of media on the psyche
Deconstructing media messages
Risk Behaviour Analysis
Coping with negative influences posing a threat to self
Reaching out for help

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