Primary School

Primary School (Pre K - Grade 5)

Candor International School is an authorized school for the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (IB-PYP). Candor is an IB World School. These are schools that share a common philosophy – a commitment to high quality, challenging, international education. The curriculum is inquiry-based, student-centered and trans-disciplinary and aims to transform students from passive listeners to active and engaged learners.

Visual and Performing Arts

The Arts are a form of non-verbal communication with a universal appeal. They extend far beyond any text book, involve all our intelligences, appeal to and bring out the potential in every student. At Candor, we believe that the Arts add the emotional and creative dimension to learning and therefore, the Arts, Music and Movement, Dance, Drama, and Visual Arts, are taught as an integral part of the curricular programme. Students are assessed for these courses to ensure that their importance is never minimized. Any student who is identified as especially inclined to any of the Arts is monitored and recommended for specialized training.

Physical Education

The Sports and Physical Education programme of the school ensures that all sports, including the track and field games, are taught and learnt in an enjoyable and interesting way. Students are trained in the latest rules and technicalities of every game and are given the opportunity to referee and manage games and sporting events in-house. The aim is to tap the potential of the students who want to choose sports as a career option.

Community Service

Age appropriate community service is part of the school programme as it helps raise student awareness of local and global needs. At Candor, community service is integral to the development and sensitization of students’ social consciences and their responsibility to the community.
Candor school is a “green school” and is intentionally involved in issues that are of concern to our environment. The school has an Organic Farm where students and staff grow vegetables, which are used by the school and also shared with the community around it. It also has a regular tree planting programme. For an effective social work experience all students are taught the host state language, i.e. working knowledge of the local language.

English as a Second Language (ESL)

Candor caters to the needs of students whose first language is not English. There is a full-fledged English as a Second Language (ESL) programme to help students merge into the mainstream as smoothly as possible.

Second Languages

Candor offers Hindi, Kannada, Spanish and French as second languages from Primary to High School. Second languages are a great way for children to become aware of other cultures and to appreciate diversity.

Special Educational Needs (SEN)

Candor’s Special Educational Needs (SEN) progamme caters to needs of the students who have mild or moderate learning difficulties. The school also provides support to academically weaker students.

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