Category Archives: Uncategorized

Grade 4 students preparing Diwali greeting cards

Diwali is around the corner. Our students are all geared up to celebrate the festival of lights. The festivities began with them designing greetings cards for their families and friends. Creativity was in the air and all the cards were as beautiful as their lovely satisfied smiles.  

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3 KM Run & 1500 meters Run @ Candor!!!

It’s an adrenaline pumping start to the week! The 3km and 1500 mtrs run took place yesterday and it was an extremely close finish for the winners! Do scroll through the list below to find the names of the winners in various groups and categories. Grade 9 – 12 ( 3 KM ) Run: Boys: 1st […]

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Organic Farming CAS Activity

Organic agriculture can be defined as an integrated farming system that strives for sustainability. The reason why it is enforced in many nations is because it minimizes the use of various harmful chemicals that have hazardous effects on crops in the field. Here, there is more focus on using natural ways to enhance the quality […]

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PYP Parent – Teacher Interaction

The PYP PTI began on a positive note! The Parents were happy with their child’s performance this quarter. The students were in fact excited to show off their experiences and their projects to their parents. There was also a section to the Lost and Found where students could identify their lost items and pick them […]

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Inter-house Competition – Tug of War.

It was hard to hold on, it was even harder to let go! That’s what our students told us when they participated in the inter-house Tug of War. We must say, our children are quite strong. All the four houses held on tight to the rope. Yet, there has to be one team who did […]

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Grade 3 kids were taught Western Dance in their dance class…………

It was music,dance and fun at Candor International School this afternoon. Grade 3 kids were taught Western Dance in  their dance class. The foot tapping music that they grooved to had a lot of us swaying to the beats! It was infectious energy combined with unlimited fun!!  

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K2 Students Outdoor Sports

Warm Summer days are a perfect setting for outdoor races! K2 had a fun time as they took part in Solo and Partner races to warm up for the upcoming Sports Day! The results will be announced later in the day.

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Today’s assembly by Grade 7 Students

Today’s assembly by Grade 7 was one that was informative and thought provoking, at the same time very very interesting!  It was about World Religion and   it very sensitively  highlighted the creative sight of religion and posed that age old question plaguing our society since many years..  Does religion unite or divide us??? Without a shred […]

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Parents Teacher’s Interaction – 2016

Connecting home and school makes us a great community of learners. It’s almost the end of the quarter and we present to you the first PTI for this academic year. A positive parent-teacher interaction contributes to the child’s school success. This time, our middle and high school parents took time out to learn about the progress of their […]

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Grade 2 children had a race called “Getting ready for school”

Sports aren’t always meant to be overtly serious or athletically intricate! In Candor, we challenge ourselves to come up with innovative ideas and involve PYP children in fun-filled activities.  Today, Grade 2 children had a race called “Getting ready for school”. If this isn’t out-of-the-box, what is???? The pictures below speak volumes, don’t they?!

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