Category Archives: Uncategorized

Grade 5 Assembly @ Candor!!!

Our students and teacher community from each grade get together once a week and host and Assembly. This time, it was the turn of grade 5. The students performed on various musical instruments and sang. The assembly acts a a brilliant platform for our students to showcase their talents.  

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Hand Ball Practice Session @ Candor!!!

Hand Ball is an interesting game, played by two teams of seven players each bypassing a ball using their hands and with the aim of throwing it into the goal of the other team. This game was introduced to the 8th graders for the first time today.

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Parent Teacher’s Meeting @ Candor

Connecting home and school makes a great community of LEADERS. It is that time of the quarter where all our parents meet our teachers to understand the children’s achievements and encourage them to do more. Yes, we did have our 3rd PTM today. It was an extremely busy and eventful day. Our Candorians are so […]

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Grade 7 Drums Session @ Candor

Drums always sound just like the most fun part of music! Most of our students simply enjoy playing the drums. Some are experts, while some are learning to be masters…. here is a peek into one of the drumming lessons!

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Coding Robots @ Candor!!!

Life is moving on a fast lane. Children today are all experts in technology. Today our grade 6 students learnt to code robots with the help of mobile apps. It was an introduction session about CHIP, MIP and COJI Robots. Students also interacted with the robots through voice recognition, senses and Bluetooth.

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Basketball coaching session in progress

A basket ball coaching session in progress! They play together and learn together. They are fearless, motivated, confident and dedicated…. Making every minute count in the game!

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Cycle Day held on the 27th of November 2016

People coming together as a community can make things happen. – Jacob Rees-Mogg. Cycle Day held on the 27th of November 2016, was one of our biggest and happiest events. People from across JP Nagar came together for a cause – to spread going green, cycling for health and community togetherness. It was a lovely […]

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Life size emoticons at Candor. Can you all identify the emotions?

Life size emoticons at Candor. Can you all identify the emotions?

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The little ones were so smart in creating human lines and angles

  The students of grade 3 grew more knowledgeable after they stepped into the’ Land of Geometry’ to learn a new concept ‘Lines and Angles’. The little ones were so smart in creating human lines and angles, showed their understanding in forming the learnt concept. They exhibited excellent coordination and were quick in doing the […]

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