Category Archives: Uncategorized

New Addition to our Candor Campus!!!

Candor has evolved over the years. Every year there has been an addition to the campus. And this time, it is our very own Auditorium – where opportunities will be unlimited and where all the magic will happen!

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Grade 8 Students – Basketball Coaching Session!!!

Our grade 8 students during their game of basketball – Just playing, having fun and enjoying the game.

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Grade 6 – Robotics Session!!!

“The best way to predict the future is to invent it.” – Alan Kay Our grade 6 students learnt to build ships and monster trucks using Lego during their robotics class.

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A day in the kitchen!!!!

Today’s menu in a glimpse! Biryani, Chappati, Dal, Pasta etc, being made, served and enjoyed 😛

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Grade 2 Library Session

Today our 2nd graders were involved in a lot of reading during their library session. They had so much to see, so much to do and so much to learn in the Library. Here is a peek into their session …  

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Grade 2 students hosted a market in the campus!!

As a part of their unit on Money, grade 2 students hosted a market in the campus. The main idea was to understand and identify the different denominations of money. Food, stickers and games were all part of the market. They students of PYP had a gala time browsing through the market.

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Grade 3 A Tennis Class!!!

It was “Tennis Time” today for Grade 3A. The students learnt to play back-hand & fore-hand shots. Learning how to hit the ball in different ways was one of the major learnings that happened today on the field. The kids enjoyed their lesson thoroughly as can be seen on their expressions.

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K2 Kids Dance Session!!!

Our little Candorians love their dance classes. And yes, it is a treat for us too, to watch them dance at ease.

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Grade 5 UOI Integration Session!!!

As a part of their Unit of Inquiry on Adolescence, Grade 5 students participated in an interactive session with their specialist teachers. This activity involved an integration session with PE & other Sports activities. The homeroom teacher along with fitness specialists in school, introduced a session on the importance of exercise in an adolescent’s life […]

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Grade 3 – Making of Puppet Stories

What fun it is to make puppets! Today grade 3 B students learnt to make puppets. They also learnt the story By E B White – Charlotte’s Web via puppetry. We are sure they had lots of fun learning.

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