Category Archives: Uncategorized

Grade K2 students enjoying their Art Session !!!

“Pookalam is an intricate and colourful arrangement of flowers laid on the floor on the occasion of Onam to welcome King Mahabali.” Our Grade K2 students enjoyed their Art Session making their own Pookalams using paper.

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Investiture Ceremony!!!

We are excited and happy to introduce to you the Student Leadership Body of Candor International School for the academic year 2017-18. We wish them the very best and we are sure the students will make a meaningful contribution. School Captain: Nevin Mathew School Vice Captain: Rutva Gowda School Sports Captain: Sanjith K Sreenivasmurthy House […]

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Candor Pets!!!

A very Good Morning from our dear pets!!!

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Grade 7 – Fitness Session!!!

A little progress each day adds to big results. Our students sweating it out during their PE session.

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Grade 2 Students Robotics Session!!!

Students are definitely happy when they do what they like to do. But our students are happy for what they have to do! A peek into our grade 2 students experimenting with LEGO during their robotics class.  

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Behtar India Campaign @ Candor !!!

The NDTV team visited us today to brief the students about the Behtar India Campaign. The campaign aims to work towards a better future of India. The core thought of the campaign is to mobilize students to join a nationwide movement that focuses on three main pillars of the campaign: health, Cleanliness and Environment.

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Preparing for College!!!

Preparing early is always better. Mr Sri Akella, visited our school to talk to our grade 11 & 12 students about the importance of writing good essays. He conducted a hands on workshop about selecting the right theme and category for an essay. He also spoke about financial aids, do’s and don’t’s about college applications […]

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Mission to excavate ancient objects!!!

To excavate is to open a book written in the language that the centuries have spoken into the earth. – — Spyridon Marinatos Our grade 7 students on a mission to excavate ancient objects…. an fun activity conducted during their social studies class.

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Parent’s Orientation Programme – 2017-18.

Future orientation is combined with a notion and expectation of progress, and nothing is impossible. – Alan Dundes With the start of a new academic year, we welcome all our students and parents to the Candor Family. Today, we hosted an orientation programme for the parents where the fundamental aspects of our approach to education […]

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Grade 1 Students – Art Session!!!

“I dream my painting & then I paint my dream” – Vincent Van Gogh Our grade 1 students attended their first art class today. They were excited to see the colors around them. They brainstormed their ideas about art.

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