Candor Library Day 2012

On November 30, 2012, Candor International School took part in the “ One Nation Reading Together” organized by Scholastic. This is an annual event, where children in schools across the country spend at least 30 minutes on the designated day, reading for fun, and engaging in activities that celebrate reading as a pleasurable and enriching experience.

Student came to school dressed as their favourite characters from their favourite books and at assembly the reading pledge was taken by the students and some assumed the role of their favourite character.

At 3 pm, everyone in the whole school dropped everything and read for about 30 minutes either a book taken from the school library of one that they had brought with them.

Candor students, throughout the year, take part in reading related activities like bookmark making, book reports, booktalks, Library Quiz (Edmodo), Question of the week, book related word searches. There is even a student -run mini library, still in its infancy in the Primary run b y the students.

We believe, as the saying goes, that when you open books you open minds.